
Sunday, December 12, 2010

The End

First of all, thank you, all of you who have given me feedback on which lovely item to purchase. And although I am sold on the MAC, I may now have to question the Air...

As far as the camera is concerned, I think I have to agree with the majority of my vocal readers and say I think I want it the most.

However, I've had several opportunities to buy things in my life and when it comes to purchasing, especially purchasing large items I've never regretted a decision to avoid the purchase all together.

That being said. I prayed about what to do with such a generous gift. My Dad said I could use it for whatever I need it for, and bottom line is I want to live near my community.

So folks, I'm holding out. I'm cutting my spending down to about zero and I've got my praying shoes on. I not only want to live in Merriam, I'm asking for a house on Mastin.

It's a large request but I'm asking for a 3-4 bedroom, 2 bath home with an open kitchen and living room and a window over the kitchen sink. There are other things I want too, of course, but those are the most important.

So please L-rd soon! And if it's not Your will, please show me what that is.

Quick side note, one of my reasons for wanting to live on Mastin is little Cass. She saw me putting on eyeshadow the other day and asked what it was. I explained it to her and asked her if she wanted me to put some on her. She said "um, no, that's only for big mama's."  ...see why I have to live close. LOVE HER!

Thanks for tuning in...Until next time. 


  1. It would be great to have you close by there is a house for sale but it is on the street behind us

  2. ahhh jess! the house! the house! what will the Lord do, i wonder? it's better than a good story, because it's real and it's life. i can't wait to see what's coming your way...

  3. Lauren, I saw it! When I went to the open house I saw Harrison's name in the snow. I'm ok with that close, but that house isn't the one for me. :(
    Thanks Steph, maybe it'll be big enough for 3 ;-)

  4. keep holding out. it's coming.

    i hadn't heard the eye shadow story. hilarious, but please, keep that stuff away! her hair is enough maintenance for me.

    we love you and can't wait to be neighbors. we prayed for it today as we drove down switzer.

  5. I am excited for you! I have no idea what the L-rd will do but I know it will be in your best interest and in His Kingdom's best interest because that's where your true investment is. He will honor that. Keep praying. I will pray for it too. Love you and I'm totally with you about the window over the sink. I had to have that too... ;)

  6. Leah, please know I would never do anything like that without your permission. Remind me to tell you the boot story. ;)
    Carlye thank you! I laughed outloud at the window comment. I'm glad someone understands! Also it was so fun to hear your voice today.
