
Saturday, July 30, 2011


  • I haven't really read blogs in about 2 months, probably because I haven't really sat down without something specific to do in about 2 months...I do want to catch up.
  • There's a lot going on in my life right now, I don't feel very pretty on the inside.
  • My passport has expired, I need to get a new one relatively quickly.
  • I'm thankful the L-rd exposes yuck stuff in my life, but I'm at a crossroads, I have to do my part now and that seems awfully hard. I'm trying to muster up some courage to continue on.
  • I like several of the Dodge body styles, Chevy too for that matter I just wish they had Honda parts underneath the hood.
  • I have good friends, but I don't know how to be a good friend. I wish I loved people more and was way less selfish.
  • I love my camera! Thank you dear L-rd for such a good gift.
  • My photos are my art....I want them to bless people, however, well, there's just a lot attached there....maybe someday I'll explain. But you might just have to ask if you want to know more. For now, my photos are on hold.
  • I realized, thanks to a good friend, that there is a reward to giving. When I want to give a gift to someone but it gets taken from me before I can give it, I feel robbed. I have to learn to sacrifice that one, and just get the reward in heaven. I'm not there yet.
  • I don't know who I am. I don't know what I want to be. I don't know why I'm here or what I have to offer anyone else. I hope I get some answers soon.
  • I don't do a good job of honoring the Sabbath. Today was an incredible one. I feel like it was a gift from the L-rd. Something to create a hunger in me so I would long to obey His command. How good is that? Sorry L-rd I haven't been consistent in obeying that one before. Thank you for being gracious with me.
  • All my lessons are around identity. I know that lesson will never be over, but I feel like I'm real close to the climax, and it's getting messier before it's going to get cleaner.
  • If you're reading this I most likely love you. Thanks for everything.


  1. hm. there is a lot there...a conversation about such things will be better.i especially enjoyed the car comment in the midst of the bullet list. but, it's nice to have you back in the blogosphere. i pray that the L-rd will instill in you HOPE that will not disappoint you. You are a precious treasure; you are HIS!

    I am reading this and I most likely love you too. ;)

  2. Jess,
    I like your honesty. I am reminded of a Sarah Groves song called "Honesty" that you should hear. It will most likely hit home.
    Also, I would like to let you know that you mean a whole lot to me. I don't know you super well yet, but what I do know, I love. I look forward to getting to know you better as YOU get to know you better.

  3. As you continue to journey and allow the Lord to speak and form you it is like watching a beautiful rose bloom. Continue to drink in His heat and the water of His word refresh you. Love to you friend

  4. oh Jess, we need to get together ... i just want to hug you. Justin, Hanna and I are so blessed to call you a friend, you mean so much to us. may the L-rd fill you with peace in this journey and continue to mold you into the beautiful woman of G-d that you are and are still becoming, because we never stop growing! I love you!

  5. Jessica, thanks for showing a bit of what's been going on and what you've been facing. I'm so honored that we had time together on Saturday and I got to hear your heart on some of these things. And I love your pictures, but I love you more (of course!) so I'm glad you are free to pull out of the pressure to post them all the time. If they give you joy and delight again in the future, then you'll be able to go back to them again. For now, I'm just glad the Lord is faithful to you in this place He has brought you to. I'm glad His dreams for you are still alive and He really is working them out. He is a Lover and a good one at that.
    I love you, dear friend.
