
Saturday, July 30, 2011


  • I haven't really read blogs in about 2 months, probably because I haven't really sat down without something specific to do in about 2 months...I do want to catch up.
  • There's a lot going on in my life right now, I don't feel very pretty on the inside.
  • My passport has expired, I need to get a new one relatively quickly.
  • I'm thankful the L-rd exposes yuck stuff in my life, but I'm at a crossroads, I have to do my part now and that seems awfully hard. I'm trying to muster up some courage to continue on.
  • I like several of the Dodge body styles, Chevy too for that matter I just wish they had Honda parts underneath the hood.
  • I have good friends, but I don't know how to be a good friend. I wish I loved people more and was way less selfish.
  • I love my camera! Thank you dear L-rd for such a good gift.
  • My photos are my art....I want them to bless people, however, well, there's just a lot attached there....maybe someday I'll explain. But you might just have to ask if you want to know more. For now, my photos are on hold.
  • I realized, thanks to a good friend, that there is a reward to giving. When I want to give a gift to someone but it gets taken from me before I can give it, I feel robbed. I have to learn to sacrifice that one, and just get the reward in heaven. I'm not there yet.
  • I don't know who I am. I don't know what I want to be. I don't know why I'm here or what I have to offer anyone else. I hope I get some answers soon.
  • I don't do a good job of honoring the Sabbath. Today was an incredible one. I feel like it was a gift from the L-rd. Something to create a hunger in me so I would long to obey His command. How good is that? Sorry L-rd I haven't been consistent in obeying that one before. Thank you for being gracious with me.
  • All my lessons are around identity. I know that lesson will never be over, but I feel like I'm real close to the climax, and it's getting messier before it's going to get cleaner.
  • If you're reading this I most likely love you. Thanks for everything.

Friday, July 1, 2011

POTD - June

Here's the photos from June. Hard to believe the year is half over. Check the tab at the top "month 6 photos" for bigger versions of these.