
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Week 22

My first day at the gym in almost 2 months. I made it! This picture is awful, but Don had to run off to another client.
There's a lifeless tree in my yard. Times like these are when I don't want to be a home owner. Good thing I have good friends that are going to take care of it for me.
I'm working my way toward healthier, and gluten free. Veggie chips as an after work snack. Yum!
I got to spend my birthday with these lovelies! They are some of my favorites.
Old roomies, bbq, good times
Driving to AE after a 12 hour day at CMH. Grr. Inventory.
The flowers are still around even after the birthday is gone. Happy girl!

Bonus photos
Just because it was beautiful. I love it when He does that. I LOVE OUTSIDE!
 I also got to spend time with this lovely sister on my birthday. She's pretty special. She loves me well.
 So, I know you're laughing pretty hard right now. So was I. It's just that good!
 Family photos with the Walters
 Just because...well HA!
Loveable little peanut