
Saturday, August 20, 2011

POTD - July

I decided to go ahead and post my pictures for July. My dilemma is that if someone wants a copy of a picture, I would like to be the one to give it to them. I am looking for a more permanent solution for the future, however for now, I can't lock my pictures on this site. So please ask if you would like a copy of a photo and I will, most likely, be more than happy to share it with you. Bigger versions are under the tab Month 7 photos, at the top of this page.
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy.


  1. I love your pics! Gives me a snapshot of your life ... miss you!
    Love ya,

  2. Enjoyed seeing you @ Lily's bday party and then again on Sunday eve! It's gonna be so nice to be able to see you on a much more frequent basis ;) You are a lovely lady, Jess.

  3. well done. another great cup of fresh squeezed month. also, way to put us on the honor system.

    malachi and lyric is precious. that pic of our boys is too cute! and of course, im glad you captured one of me and my bros looking like we like each other.

    I really like your profile pic too.

  4. Did your mom really get purple feathers in her hair? She's so cool. That's where you get it, huh? Way to be diligent and continue on this journey. You are faithful in so many ways.
