
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just processing

I just got home from a very short, 1 day trip to Chicago.  I currently head up a team at my hospital focusing on decreasing urinary tract infections that come from kiddos having a catheter in. So some product reps wanted mine, along with some other nurses opinions on a few things. We talked about all kinds of products all items that would make the patient outcomes better.

It sounded like a fun trip to go on. It was in Chicago, that's fun.  I'm opinionated, I was excited to give my opinion and if they could make me a product I liked, I was going to be excited about that. I had no idea what was in store.  All we did was talk, really. But we told them what we wanted and they were listening, they want to create the products we want.

So why was this so fun? I think a light bulb went off for me. I love people. More than that I love kids. I hate when people/kiddos have to experience fear or pain. Being in the ICU causes my patients and their families to feel both of those things. When I saw that it is possible to do things like make a patient gown that is comfortable and cozy, it made me want to cry. I want those kids to have things that help make them comfortable when they and their parents are going through the hardest time in their lives. We worked toward making products that would allow the nurses to provide the care those kids need and then have better outcomes.

I think it's ridiculous how excited I feel right now.  But, I love my job. I love that I love my kids and that I do everything I can to take good care of them. From oral care, to preventing pressure ulcers and infections to making them not feel scared. I love what I do and I'm so thankful that I get to do it.

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