
Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 20

This is Scott, he was kind of amazing. He's a PT that now works with the volunteers. He has a big passion for amputees and helping them find a healthy identity. 
Carlos! I love, love, love him. He's probably the culprit of my illness. Even if he was, I'd do it all again. He was worth it!
Sammy! He was one of our translators from my last trip. He came to see me at the hospital. Super fun!
LJ. Another translator from last time. He picked me up and took me around Haiti a bit...on his motorcycle. Not going to lie...I was a little afraid for my life. But he was super careful.
Our week finally came to an end. This is the super great team I got to do it all with.
Jerry brought me a whole bag of mangos on Friday and I snuck one of them into the US. I fully planned on eating it before we got back but it was tucked away in my bag. 
First day back and I had to go to work to get a health get better benefits when I enroll in my insurance plan. Welcome home!

Bonus photos
 These sweet girls were playing outside our room one day. I love the look of adoration in the little ones face.
This is the girl with Scott above...she was so loving!
Jerry, he was my personal translator from my last trip. He's the one that brought me the bundle of mangos...unreal...and oh so yummy!

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